TEACHER: Shirley Weimer RN, RYT. has practiced yoga since 1973 & taught since 1996. She has been called A dedicated teacher offering classes like no other in the area. "I had given up on yoga after competitive classes and love it now as I learn about myself, body and mind, and leave class feeling revived and at peace." Yoga, a Sanskrit word meaning union unites mind, body, spirit & people. Through the practice of yoga self growth is realized by moving inward. Practice at your level, prevent injury by listening to your body & instruction from an experienced teacher; gain strength, flexibility, feel better physically & mentally.
YOGA STYLE: Hatha with Iyengar emphasis, the most popular style in the U.S. and influenced by her world known teachers Rodney Yee, Patricia Walden, Eric Schiffman, Richard Freeman & others.
CHATHAM CHAIR YOGA: Private residence 7950 Coon Club Rd 44256; 7 Mon. 1/13-2/24; 10-11:15am;
$84 or $15 drop in. Checks to NOYO Yoga
LODI (Lafayette Twshp.) Private residence (3rd building on driveway) 7596 Lafayette Rd., 44254. 7 Thurs. 1/16-2/27 @ 6:30 - 8pm; $84 or $15 drop in. Checks to NOYO Yoga.
ASHLAND: Brethren Care Wellness Center; 2130 Center St.; 7 Wednesdays 1/15-2/26 @ 1:45 - 2:45 and 3:15 - 4:15 cost $70 or $10 drop in. Silver Sneakers &Brethren Care Membership cost $35 or $5 drop in. CHECKS TO BLOOMFIELD INDEPENDENT LIVING
MEDINA: St. Paul's Church, 317 E. Liberty (enter under archway) 7 Thursday classes 1/16-2/27 @ 9:30 - 11 am $84 or $15 drop in. Checks to NOYO Yoga.
Save top of this sheet for your info, send bottom part with preferred class marked to
Shirley Weimer, 7950 Coon Club Rd. Medina, O. 44256 check to NOYO or Bloomfield Independent Living
LODI: 7 Thursdays 1/16-2/27 @ 6:30-8 pm; $84 or drop in fee $15 ; 7596 Lafayette Rd.
ASHLAND: 7 Wednesdays 1/15-2/26 @ 1:45-2:45 & 3:15-4:15; Brethren Care Wellness Center; $70 or Drop in $10. Silver Sneakers or membership $35 or $5 drop in Checks to Bloomfield Independent Living.
MEDINA: 7 Thursdays 1/16-2/27 @ 9:30-11am; $84 or $15 drop in fee. St. Paul's Episcopal Church
CHATHAM CHAIR YOGA: 7 Mondays 1/13-2/24 @ 10-11:15am; $84 or $15 drop in
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